12 Reasons Why It’s Not “Just a Cleaning” For Your Teeth

A woman is getting her dental hygiene checked by a dentist.

You may refer to your dental hygiene appointments as “just a cleaning.”  The truth is there is so much more than just teeth cleaning that occurs during these visits.  Good oral health starts with the basics of dental hygiene. While flossing and brushing regularly are an excellent start, they are not a substitute for a professional dental cleaning with a certified dental hygienist.

We sometimes hear the excuse for missing a dental cleanings is, “nothing hurts, so my teeth are fine” Unfortunately, pain is not a very good indicator of oral health. In fact, by the time pain presents itself problems are often much worse (and more costly!) than they would have been if addressed earlier.

Sometime patients feel treating cavities with fillings and crowns are more of a priority then a “dental cleaning” when in fact it’s the opposite! If you have stages of gum disease such as, swollen bleeding gums, tartar buildup, bone loss and loose teeth, this doesn’t make a very strong foundation for restorative work. You could spend a lot of money on restoring your teeth then potentially lose your teeth from gum disease. The key to good oral health is prevention.

At Century Stone Dental we have several excellent certified dental hygienists on staff. These hygienists are  not only here to clean your teeth, but also to give you detailed information on your home dental care.  They are able to evaluate each patient’s needs, and provide instructions accordingly.

Here are the 12 Reasons Why It’s Not “Just a Cleaning” For Your Teeth. This a list of what our dental hygienists are conducting during your appointment.

  • Oral Cancer screen inside the mouth and outside on the face
  • Check facial muscles, jaw joint and lymph nodes
  • Check gums for blood, pus or pockets
  • Evaluate texture of issues and recession of gums
  • Check for decay
  • Use of X-ray(s) to check for decay between teeth and bone levels
  • Use of X-ray(s) to check for cysts or abscesses and root absorption
  • Check fillings for leaks or cracks
  • Check for loose teeth or shifting and drifting of teeth
  • Check bite for wear, proper function and TMJ problems
  • Remove plaque, tarter and stain that can cause decay and gum disease with scaling, polishing and re-mineralize areas when needed
  • Patient education, recommendations and instructions to improve oral health

Our hygiene team will report all findings and evaluations to one of our dentists: Dr. Christopher Sims and Dr. Kenneth Urquhart. The dentist will evaluate all findings while performing their own oral examination and view any x-rays taken as well. Any further assessments or treatments will be recommend along with answering any patient concerns or questions.

Each and every aspect of a hygiene care appointment plays a very important part in not only maintaining good oral health but rather your complete overall health. That being said, you certainly do not want to miss the treatment of removing tarter. This “cleaning” is a vital part to maintaining healthy gums. It does not matter how efficient you are at brushing and flossing, even every day. You will continue to build up tarter that cannot be remove by home care alone.

Before you put off your next dental cleaning, please consider the other essential services that are being provided beyond your cleaning.  While regular cleanings are imperative to good oral health, the other services provided could prevent a much more serious problems down the line. Your teeth are priceless and you only have one permanent set!

To schedule a hygiene care appointment at our Hamilton Century Stone dental office call today 905-545-4853. Or email us at [email protected]

Dr. Christopher Sims
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