Dental Veneers in Hamilton
If you're looking to fix a problem with your smile but standard straightening techniques aren't what you're looking for, you should consider dental veneers in Hamilton. Veneers are very thin pieces of a tooth-like material that are placed on the surface of the front of the teeth. They change your smile's shape, size, color, and appearance. We create custom veneers, made of porcelain or a composite resin compound, that are designed to mimic the surface of a tooth, so they will blend in to look like natural teeth.
What Can Veneers Fix?
Dental veneers can be used for a single natural tooth, or to improve your entire smile. Here’s a list of some of the appearance concerns this treatment option can correct:
- Stained teeth or discoloured teeth, whether caused by certain medicines, treatments, or large fillings
- Worn down teeth
- Misshapen teeth with bulges or uneven surfaces
- Chipped, cracked, or damaged teeth
- Gapped teeth or crooked teeth
How Does the Process Work?
You'll typically need about three appointments with your dentist at Century Stone Dental to conclude this type of treatment. First, you'll have a dental veneer consultation with the dentist to talk about the final look you're trying to achieve with your smile. We can also discuss payment and dental insurance options if you need. The dentist may need to take x-rays and impressions of your mouth to generate a treatment plan. You'll discuss your treatment plan and make sure you know what to expect while the work is being performed, as well as decide on what type of dental veneers are best for you - either composite resin or porcelain veneers.
Next, the surface of your tooth needs to be prepped for the veneer. You'll get a local anesthetic for this step as it can be uncomfortable. Some patients experience temporary sensitivity with the layer of enamel removed. After the top layers of the tooth are removed, your dentist will make a set of molds for your teeth. These molds will then be sent out to a lab to create custom veneers to the exact specifications of your teeth.
It usually takes about 2 – 4 weeks for the material to come back from the lab. If this part of the process has left your smile looking particularly unsightly, temporary veneers are often placed. Once your veneers arrive, your dentist will first make sure they fit onto the front of your teeth by repeatedly placing the veneer onto your teeth and then trimming it, so it fits just right. We ensure a perfect fit and a natural appearance before we place veneers over your real teeth.
If you're satisfied with the fit, your tooth will be prepped by being cleaned, polished, and then etched to give the natural tooth a rough surface, so the veneer holds securely in place. Then, the veneers are permanently cemented in place and held under a special light to set. Any excess cement will be cleaned up, and you're ready to go with your new smile!
Pros & Cons of Having Composite Resin or Porcelain Veneers
There are plenty of pros to getting composite resin or porcelain veneers. Your teeth will look more appealing, and veneers can be used to change the color of any discolored teeth to look more natural and match your other teeth. Porcelain veneers don’t stain, and composite resin is more stain resistant than natural teeth. They correct the appearance of crooked teeth, gapped teeth, discoloured teeth, and other moderate issues. Dental veneers are a more conservative treatment than a dental crown.
They don’t require any special care, just brush and floss as you would your real teeth! This treatment will last anywhere from 7 to 15 years until the material needs to be replaced.
There are some downsides you should know before you decide to go forward with this treatment. Dental veneers can be quite expensive and are permanent. If porcelain veneers crack or chip, they cannot be repaired; you will need to get a full replacement. Minor cracks or chips in composite resin veneers may be fixable, but more significant damage may require full replacement, as well. Some patients also notice some tooth sensitivity since part of the enamel will have been removed.
For anyone who has a history of teeth grinding or jaw clenching or who has unhealthy teeth in general, dental veneers are not recommended. Grinding or clenching could cause a veneer to crack and damage the underlying natural tooth even further.
Call Us To Begin Your Dental Treatment Today
If you have any questions about veneers and how they could improve your smile, or if you’d like to schedule an appointment for a consultation for your dental veneers in Hamilton, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’d love to hear from you!
Call 905-545-4833 or email us and one of our staff members will be able to answer any questions you may have about any of our services, including getting dental veneers in Hamilton. We look forward to helping you with composite resin or porcelain veneers!
At Century Stone Dental, we are happy to answer any questions you may have about this procedure. Call our office to book an appointment for one of our services today. Call at 905-545-4833 or email us at [email protected]
Veneers are thin, tooth-like materials placed on the front surface of teeth to alter their shape, size, color, and overall appearance. They can be made of porcelain or composite resin.
Veneers are suitable for treating stained or discolored teeth, worn down teeth, misshapen teeth, chipped or damaged teeth, and gaps or crookedness in teeth.
The process typically involves a consultation, tooth preparation, making molds for custom veneers, and finally, fitting and permanently cementing the veneers.
Veneers enhance appearance, resist stains, and require no special care, lasting 7-15 years. However, they are irreversible, can be expensive, and may not be suitable for those with unhealthy teeth or habits like grinding.