How Invisalign Can Improve Your Smile | Century

How Invisalign Can Improve Your Smile

Invisalign can assist in aligning your teeth or expanding your smile, addressing concerns such as misaligned teeth and a narrow smile. Discover how Invisalign can improve your smile. Many dentists offer Invisalign as an alternative to traditional metal braces. Choosing Invisalign allows you to straighten your teeth, just like traditional metal braces, but without the … Read more

Problems With Dental Implants: Complications To Be Aware Of

A woman holding a model of a dental implant

Dental implant surgery has a very high success rate of 95%, and dental implants offer significant benefits to patients who have lost a tooth. However, dental implant complications or problems are possible, although the risks are low. If you are considering an implant, it’s important to be aware of potential dental implant problems. How Do … Read more

Veneers vs. Crowns: What’s The Difference?

Veneers vs. Crowns What’s The Difference

If you’re looking for dental restoration treatments for damaged and broken teeth or just to brighten your smile, you’ve probably been considering dental veneers or dental crowns. Both of these forms of cosmetic dentistry can improve both the appearance and function of your natural teeth.  Ahead of any dental treatment, you should understand the differences … Read more

How Do Dentists Clean Your Teeth With Braces?

how dentists clean teeth with braces

When patients get braces, they often have a lot of questions as they adjust to life with orthodontics on their teeth – not being able to comfortably eat certain foods (like popcorn or corn on the cob), or having to brush and floss their teeth differently. But they also end up wondering how they’ll get … Read more

How Long Do Composite Fillings Last?

how long do composite fillings last

Dental fillings are often required when a patient has undergone root canal therapy. A dentist in Hamilton will place a dental filling to cap the top of the pre-existing tooth and prevent any new decay. If teeth are left uncovered, bacteria in the mouth erodes the tooth and its surrounding gums, potentially leading to gum … Read more